Tag Archives: JSON

ARM Templates to Deploy your Resources to Azure

Hey all,
Last week we talked about Continuous Integration and Deployment to Azure. We set up an App Service and deployed a .NET Core application using Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), Azure and Visual Studio. In this post we’re going to explore deployment of your Azure resources, or infrastructure, using the Azure Resource Manager and ARM Templates. In this post we’re going to use Azure, VSTS and Visual Studio 2017 again. I recommend you read my previous post if you’re not already familiar with Azure and VSTS.

Sample code for this post can be found on my GitHub profile.

ARM Templates

So what’s this Azure Resource Manager template, or ARM template, exactly? Basically, it’s just some JSON that describes the resources, like app services, databases and storage accounts, you want to have in Azure. Azure can process this template and create or update our resources based on the template. This is also called Infrastructure as Code or (IaC). I’m assuming you know what JSON is, so I’m not explaining that here.

ARM templates are declarative, meaning you describe what you want rather than how you want it. In practice this means you’re not writing code to actually create the resources, but simply state which resources you want to have.

ARM Templates in Azure

So let’s have a look at what this looks like. If you go to a resource in Azure, any resource, you should be able to get the ARM template from the left side menu. I still have my imunique Web App from my previous post, so let’s see what that looks like. Just find the “Automation Script” menu item.

On the left side of the panel that opens you can find the different nodes that make up the ARM template.

ARM template nodes
ARM template nodes

As you can see this (generated) template has three input parameters, no variables, and three actual resources. A parameter is an input for the script, a variable is a computed value. For now we’re mostly interested in the resources. We have the ‘serverfarm’, or the hosting plan; the actual web app, imunique; and the host name binding, which makes your web app available on imunique.azurewebsites.net (Azure created this for us).

Here’s a part of the actual JSON template describing (a part of) the web app.

ARM templates in Azure
ARM templates in Azure

So there’s some good news and some bad news. The good news is Azure can create most of most ARM templates for us. The bad news is that they aren’t always of high or even usable quality. Of course we can tweak them however we like.

Azure Resource Group Projects

Let’s create our own ARM template. Open up Visual Studio 2017 and create a new “Azure Resource Group” project (found under “Cloud”) and name it whatever you like. I’ve named my solution AzureResourceSamples and the different projects have ARM templates for different resources. Again, you can find it on my GitHub profile.

Once you create the project you can pick a pre-defined template from Visual Studio, like a web app. You can also get a template from the Azure Quickstart templates on GitHub. There’s literally hundreds of them ranging from web apps to VM’s to databases. You can pick an empty template as well, it’s possible to add resources later. I’ve picked the “Web app” from the Visual Studio templates. This creates a web app with a hosting plan, Application Insights and auto-scaling. The ARM template can be found in the WebSite.json file. I can recommend studying it thoroughly.

Azure Resource Group project
Azure Resource Group project

The first thing we can do is right-click the “AutoScaleSettings” in the JSON Outline and delete it. We also don’t really need all those Application Insights alert rules for now, so delete those too. In fact, let’s keep it simple and also delete the “AppInsightsComponent”. We’re left with a very basic template that just creates a hosting plan and a web app. Here’s the “resources” node that has the web app and hosting plan, but not the parameters and variables.

Deployment in Visual Studio

Now let’s deploy them to Azure using Visual Studio. Simply right-click on your project and select “Deploy” and then “New…” from the drop down menu. In the form that pops up you can set your Microsoft account, your Azure subscription, the resource group you want to deploy to and the template parameters (those are stored in the *.parameters.json file). Make sure you fill out your parameter values or the deployment will fail. Now simply hit the “Deploy” button and browse to your Azure portal. If all went right you should now see a new hosting plan and a new web app in the resource group you selected.

If the resource you’re deploying already exists Azure will update that resource so it matches the ARM template. You can set literally every property you can set through the Azure portal in an ARM template as well.

A few notes considering the syntax of ARM Templates: when you need a non-static string (a parameter, variable or the result of a function) you can use the "[...]" syntax. To use a parameter you can use "[parameter('paramName')]" and to use a variable you can use "[variable('varName')]". Another very handy function is concat, which you can use like "[concat('staticstring', variable('nonstatic'))]". Other useful functions are resourceGroup() and subscription(), which can be used to get the current resource group id or location or the subscription id.

Deploy per resource

Since it’s possible to reuse hosting plans you may not want to have to deploy these together. Creating a template with only a hosting plan is easy. Simply create an empty template and add an “App Service Plan (Server Farm)” resource. The result is pretty much what we already had in the previous example, but without the web app.

So let’s create a template that only has a web app. This is a little trickier since both Azure and Visual Studio need a hosting plan with a web app. Ideally, you want to be able to set the hosting plan with your deployment since you’re probably going to have different hosting plans for different environments. Since it’s easier to start with something, simply create a template for a web app with a hosting plan.


The first thing we’re going to do is add our own parameters. We want to be able to set the hosting plan, the resource group of the hosting plan (Azure will look in the current resource group by default), and the name of your web app because we don’t want a random name like in the previous example. I’ve given the “hostingPlanName” and “hostingPlanResourceGroup” default values because we’re most likely to use these values (for now).


The next part is where things get tricky. It’s all pretty straightforward, except for the “serverFarmId” variable, which is the hosting plan. Because the hosting plan can be in a different resource group we have to specify the complete path to the resource, including our subscription ID. While it’s possible to share resources in different subscriptions we really don’t want to go there, so I’m sticking to the current subscription.

Now try to deploy this again to a new resource group, but keep the existing hosting plan from the already existing resource group. You can now deploy this web app to any resource group using any hosting plan in any other resource group (within the same subscription).

Connecting VSTS to Azure Active Directory

Before we go any further we have to do one tiny little thing. Head over to Azure and look for the “Team Services administration”. You should be able to see your VSTS account there. Simply click your account and in the options pane that pops up click the “Connect AAD” button. This will hook up your VSTS users to Azure Active Directory (AAD). We’ll need this when we’re going to set up resource deployments to Azure in VSTS.

VSTS in Azure
VSTS in Azure

If it doesn’t work right away try going to the Azure AD first and create a directory there, then try to connect again.

Continuous Deployment using VSTS

We’re now ready to deploy our ARM templates with our web apps or just as a stand-alone release. Head over to VSTS and create a new project or use an existing one. In your project head over to the releases tab, create a new pipeline and choose for the “Empty process”.

You may want to host the examples in VSTS. I’ve used GitHub and it’s perfectly fine to connect GitHub to VSTS (although it’s not in scope of this post so you’re going to have to figure that one out yourself). It’s really easy to do though, just create a new pipeline, add an artifact and set GitHub as a source type. From there VSTS will guide you through setting up GitHub Authorization for VSTS.

Anyway, create a new release pipeline and set your artifact to the ARM templates repository. You can turn on continuous deployment (using the lightning icon in the upper right corner of your artifact). Rename your environment to “Dev” or whatever you like.

Azure Resource Group Deployment

Now it’s time to add a task. Head over to the “Tasks” page for you Dev environment and add the “Azure Resource Group Deployment” (under “Deploy”). Choose your “Azure subscription” and hit the “Authorize” button. This should work because we’ve set up VSTS in Azure AD. Leave the “Action” at “Create or update resource group”. Then pick the resource group you want to deploy to, you can either pick one from the drop down or type any name you want. Next, you have to pick the location of your resource group so either pick the location of the group you’ve picked or set the location for your new resource group.

The next thing we need to set is the “Template”. This field has a browse button for our convenience so use it and select “WebSite.json” in the “WebApp” folder so VSTS will create or update a web app. Do the same thing for “Template parameters”, but instead pick the “WebSite.parameters.json” file. In the “Override template parameters” field you can override your parameters, which you should do. The “hostingPlanName” and the “hostingPlanResourceName” should have a correct default value, but you may want to change the “webSiteName”.

VSTS release pipeline
VSTS release pipeline

Once you’ve set these you’re good to go! Give your release pipeline a name, save it, and create a new release. If all goes well your web app should be created in your Azure account.

If all goes well you can clone your Dev environment and simply overwrite your parameters (and possibly change your resource group) and create a Test environment.

Wrap up

And that’s it. It really is that easy to automatically deploy your web apps to Azure. And not only that, you can deploy VM’s, databases, queues, storage accounts, and pretty much anything you can think of, using ARM templates. If you turned on continuous deployment your deployment should start automatically when you push a commit to Git. And there’s nothing stopping you from also deploying your actual software or other Azure resources in the same deployment.

Again, don’t forget to remove your resources or you’ll be billed for them.

Happy coding!

MEAN web development #5: Jade and Express

In the last few weeks it was my time to shine… In absence. Been quite busy with, you know, stuff. But here I am ready to give you a new installment of the MEAN web development series! If you haven’t read my previous posts, or if you’ve forgotten all about them in my absence, you can find them here:

  1. MEAN web development #1: MEAN, the what and why
  2. MEAN web development #2: Node.js in the back
  3. MEAN web development #3: More Node.js
  4. MEAN web development #4: All aboard the Node.js Express!
  5. MEAN web development #5: Jade and Express
  6. MEAN web development #6: AngularJS in the front
  7. MEAN web development #7: MongoDB and Mongoose
  8. MEAN web development #8: Sockets will rock your socks!
  9. MEAN web development #9: Some last remarks

So in my previous blog from a few weeks back I’ve talked about using Express in Node.js. One thing I haven’t discussed yet is the templating option of Express. As that is actually quite simple this blog will be more about the template engine Jade than about Express. Of course we’ll use both to build a few pages.

You can find the examples for this blog on my GitHub page in the mean5-blog repository.

Starting out with Jade

So you can probably guess our first step (assuming you’ve already installed Node.js)… If it included npm somehow you are correct. We need to install Jade using npm. We’ll also want Express, of course, you know how it goes! You can read about npm and how to use it in my first MEAN article, MEAN web development #1: MEAN, the what and why. So create a folder for your project somewhere, optionally create a package.json file (containing at least an opening and closing bracket), open up a command prompt and use the following commands.

cd C:\project-folder
npm install express --save
npm install jade --save

The –save is optional and only makes sense when you created a package.json file.

Finally create your server.js file where your actual JavaScript goes. So now you have everything you need to start using Node.js, Express and Jade.

Let’s not do that yet though. Let’s take a step back. What exactly is Jade and why would you want to use it? Jade is a template engine, which means you can write some pseudo-HTML which the Jade engine can transform into actual HTML. One reason to use Jade is because it saves typing, “h1 Examples” will output “<h1>Example</h1>” for example. So that saves like seven characters, but it adds up.

Less typing is the least good reason to start using Jade though. When using Jade it is possible to pass some JavaScript object to your Jade code and build your page differently depending on your JavaScript. For example you might have an array and you want to iterate over the array to show a table on your page. Or maybe you just want to show the name of the logged in user in the top right corner.
Jade also supports and encourages a more object oriented style of writing your HTML. That’s awesome because you can now write a piece of HTML Jade once and use it everywhere.

Sounds good, right? But isn’t all of this already possible using PHP, Java or C#? Yeah, sure. And you can even do this in Node.js. Simply create a string containing your HTML, do some string concatenation, replaces, etc. No problem at all.
So why would you still want to use Jade? Because Jade makes it easy! All the string concatenation and replaces you’d have to do in PHP or “vanilla” Node.js is done for you. What’s left is a file that’s easier to read than the HTML it ultimately produces! And the good thing about Jade is that it has Node.js and Express support out-of-the-box!

Hello Jade!

I think that title says it all, no? We won’t be using Node.js and Express just yet though. In fact I want you to fire up a command prompt and install Jade again, this time globally so we can use it from the command prompt.

npm install jade -g

Now create a folder in the Node.js project we just created and call it jade-examples. We’re going to use this folder and some of the examples later with Node.js and Express. So in that folder create a file and call it hello-jade.jade. If you got my sources from GitHub you can find the file in jade-examples. Put the following code in the file.

    title Hello, Jade!
    h1 Hello, Jade!
    p This is awesome!

So that’s maybe a bit much for a simple Hello World example, but I’m pretty sure you can figure out what HTML this will generate. One thing I’d like to point out is that Jade is whitespace sensitive. More specifically, you must use whitespaces to nest elements. That means that you got to be really careful with your spaces, they’re not just makeup!

I recently spent an evening debugging some Haskell code (which is also whitespace sensitive) because I had used spaces on one line and a tab on another. Try figuring that out, it all looks the same!
I recommend using spaces by the way, if your editor supports it look for the option that converts tabs to spaces and you’ll be safe.

Enter the CMD

So how to get some HTML out of this? With the command prompt, of course. So browse to the folder where you’ve put your file and use the following command.

cd file-folder
jade hello-jade.jade

Now check it out, it generated a hello-jade.html file. It’s not very readable though. Everything is put on a single line! Let’s fix that. You can use some options in the command prompt. We’re going to use -P (that’s a capital P).

jade hello-jade.jade -P

Looks a look better, doesn’t it?

    <title>Hello, Jade!</title>
    <h1>Hello, Jade!</h1>
    <p>This is awesome!</p>

For multiline text you should use one of the following methods. Use a dot after your element or use pipes | on every single line.

  This is one line.
  This is a second.
  |This is one line.
  |This is a second.
  This won't work.
  It just won't.

The HTML that is generated looks as follows.

  This is one line.
  This is a second.
  This is one line.
  This is a second.
  <This>won't work.</This>
  <It>just won't.</It>

As you can see Jade will happily generate syntactically correct, yet invalid HTML! Keep in mind that HTML isn’t whitespace sensitive so the above HTML will still render the two lines of text on a single line in your browser. If you need a seperate line you’ll have to insert a <br> element.

Doing more with Jade

So now that we’ve got that out of the way let’s look at some other features of Jade. Of course you can add attributes to your elements.

h1(id="header") Attributes
p(class="text") This is an example using attributes.
p Here's a text input.

I won’t show you the HTML output as you can generate it yourself or look at the files from my GitHub.

Here’s some other stuff we can do with Jade.

// This comment will be visible in our HTML.
//- This one won't (it's the hyphen!)
//- Ids are so common we have a shorthand!
h1#header Attributes
//- Same goes for classes.
p.text This is an example using attributes.
p.text.second-class.third-class Here's a text input.
  Block comment
  With lots of space
  And lines

p Some text with another <strong>element</strong>.

  Yes, this is possible,
  but we need to put it on a new line
  and prefix it with a pipe.
| Some text without enclosing tags.

Using JavaScript

So that’s all pretty cool, but you probably want more. You’re in luck, because there’s much more! In fact, you can use JavaScript to generate HTML. That means you can have any JavaScript object and use it just like that.

For the next example we’re going to need two files. First is our Jade file. I’ve called it javascript.jade.

h1= title
p= text

The = sign means some code will follow. So “title” and “text” is actually code. More precise they’re properties/variables. Using = will also filter your JavaScript to prevent injection attacks. If you like to disable this feature simply use != instead.

You could generate HTML from the above Jade file, but since title and text are not set you’ll just get an empty header and paragraph. So we’ll need to pass in something to the engine so it knows how to interpret those values. We can do that using a JSON file. So create another file, I’ve called it javascript.json, and put in the following JSON.

  "title": "Jade and JavaScript!",
  "text": "You can just insert JavaScript Objects into your templates!"

Now we can use the command prompt to generate the HTML using the JSON file. Notice that we’ll use a capital O in the next sample.

jade -O javascript.json javascript.jade

This will generate the HTML and it will have replaced title and text with the values from your JSON file. Awesome!

In the next example I’ve included all JavaScript into the Jade file so we don’t need a seperate JSON file. Try setting the showHeader variable to false and generate the HTML again. Also notice the difference between the escaped and the unescaped code.

  The following code
  will not be shown
  in your HTML.
  We'll use - instead of =

  var showHeader = true;
  var header = 'Jade is awesome!'

//- Single line code.
- if (showHeader)
  h1= header

//- Native Jade syntax!
if showHeader
  h1= header

//- Multiline code.
  var movies = [];
  movies.push('Star Wars');
  movies.push('Lord of the Rings');
  movies.push('Harry Potter');

  each movie in movies
    li= movie

- var code = 'HTML may look like this: <p>Hello, Jade!</p>';
//- Some escaped code.
p= code
//- Some unescaped code.
p!= code


So how about we look into that inheritance now? Most, if not all, websites have a standard structure that’s the same across the entire page. We have a header at the top, footer at the bottom, a menu on the left, top or right and the content in the middle. And it’s usually the middle part that changes while the rest stays more or less the same. So let’s define that basic layout. I’m going to keep it simple so I’ll just have a page with a fixed footer. For simplicity I’m just going to use embedded CSS in our Jade template. I’ve called the following file base.jade.

      html {
        position: relative;
        min-height: 100%;

      body {
        margin: 0 0 100px;
      footer {
        background-color: #41a62a;
        position: absolute;
        left: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        height: 100px;
        width: 100%;
    block head
      p This is the content!
      block content
      p This is the footer!
      block footer

This looks a lot like what we already know. The only weird thing here are those blocks. The block elements aren’t visible in the generated HTML, so it’s completely possible to use a ‘base’ page as a regular page on your site.


Now those blocks can be overridden by inheritors. So block content can be replaced with anything you like. Let’s see what that looks like. I’ve created an base-inheritor.jade file which extends base.jade.

extends base.jade

block head
  title Inheritor

block content
  p This is the inheritor page!

block footer
  a(href="#") Some link

The file starts with extending base.jade (that’s actually the relative path to the file, since I have it in the same folder it’s just the file name). After that I’m filling in the content for each block. It’s totally optional to override a block.
Now you can simply generate the HTML for base-inheritor.jade and you’ll see the entire base is generated too!

There’s a little more you can do with those blocks though. Here’s a simple file called blocks.jade.

block header
 h1 Inheritance using Jade!

block content
 p Here is some content.

block footer
 p This is the footer.

As you can see I’ve put some content in each of those blocks. In an inheritor we can replace that content, append to that content or prepend to that content. This is illustrated in blocks-inheritor.jade.

extends blocks.jade

block header
  h1 Another header!

prepend content
  p This is even more content!

append footer
  a(href="#") Some link

You may use “block append” or “block prepend”, but the block keyword is optional. Now generate the HTML and check out the results!

It’s also possible to put blocks in blocks, but I’ll leave that as practice for the reader.


Now there is one last feature I’d like to show you, which is mixins. A mixin is a bit like a function, a reusable piece of Jade! Let’s just look at some examples.

//- Here is a mixin.
mixin lorem
  h2 First paragraph of Lorem Ipsum...
  p Lorem ipsum [...]

h1 Mixins
//- Mixin usage is a big plus!

h2 Animals
- var animals = ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Goldfish'];

//- A mixin with a parameter and JavaScript!
mixin isKnownAnimal(animal)
  if animals.indexOf(animal) >= 0
    p= 'The ' + animal + ' is a known animal.'
    p= 'The ' + animal + ' is not a known animal!'


Pretty awesome, right?


So that’s all the Jade I’ve got for you! You can now create Jade pages and generate HTML through the command prompt. We’d use it within Node.js though! So the time has come to get back to the project we created at the start of this post.

In the server.js you need to do two things. Tell Express where to find its templates and what engine to use when rendering those templates. Then on a request render any template you like.
It’s that easy!

Now we’ve got all these Jade examples we can generate using Express! I picked a few interesting ones. Here’s the code for the entire server.js.

var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.set('views', './jade-examples')
app.set('view engine', 'jade');

// Use hello-jade as index.
app.get('/', function (req, res) {

app.get('/javascript', function (req, res) {
    res.render('javascript', {
        title: 'Jade and JavaScript!',
        text: 'You can just insert JavaScript Objects into your templates!'

app.get('/base-inheritor', function (req, res) {

app.get('/mixins', function (req, res) {

var server = app.listen(80, '');

Is that all? That’s all!

Wrap up

So I usually give you some reading recommendations at the end of a blog, but I really haven’t got anything for Jade. You can get a lot from the language reference on the Jade website, although it’s hardly a good place to start.
Of course you can always check out some books by Manning, like Express.js in Action, which has a chapter on templating in Express and Jade. And keep an eye out for the ebooks by Syncfusion. Node.js Succinctly has a chapter on Express and JavaScript Succinctly is always handy when working with JavaScript.

Hope to see you again next week.
Stay tuned!

Web development #7: Dynamic page updates with AJAX

So in theory you should now have all the tools to create the most awesome websites. However, I don’t think any tutorial on web development is complete without doing some AJAX. No idea what I’m talking about? Read my previous posts.

  1. Web development #1: Internet and the World Wide Web
  2. Web development #2: Our first website using HTML
  3. Web development #3: Styling our page with CSS 3
  4. Web development #4: PHP in the back
  5. Web development #5: User input with HTML Forms
  6. Web development #6: Getting interactive with JavaScript
  7. Web development #7: Dynamic page updates with AJAX
  8. Web development #8: Where to go from here

So what is AJAX all about? It’s an abbreviation for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. It enables us to send a request to the server and receive a result without having to refresh our entire page. Now that’s pretty awesome! What’s also pretty awesome is that we don’t need to use XML. As Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, already said “XML is crap. Really. There are no excuses. XML is nasty to parse for humans, and it’s a disaster to parse even for computers. There’s just no reason for that horrible crap to exist.” So what we’ll be using is a form of AJAX called AJAJ, where the last J stands for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). To make it a bit more confusing, we’ll just call it AJAX anyway. Oh yeah, and it doesn’t have to be asynchronous either…

JavaScript objects and JSON

First of all we need to know what JavaScript Objects are and what they look like. After that JSON will come naturally. So JavaScript has objects and much like objects in other languages JavaScript objects are just wrappers around certain functionality. The difficulty in JavaScript, of course, lies in that anything can be anything and then can become anything else… Let’s just look at an example.

// Creates an empty object.
var obj = {};
// Gives the object a firstName property.
obj.firstName = 'Sander';
// Gives the object a lastName property.
obj.lastName = 'Rossel';
// Gives the object a getFullName function.
obj.getFullName = function () {
    return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;

// Alternative for the above.
var person = {
    firstName: 'Sander',
    lastName: 'Rossel',
    getFullName: function () {
        return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;

Now this wouldn’t be JavaScript if we didn’t have even more methods to create objects (JavaScript also knows constructors). We’re not interested in those though. What we’re interested in is the second method I’m using. Notice that, to create an object, we use curly braces. We can then basically add anything to that object by simply defining keys (property or function names) and values (default values for properties or implementations for functions) seperated by colons. Each key and value is seperated by a comma. And of course objects can contain other objects too.

var outerObj = {
    innerObj: {
        someValue: null
    anotherInnerObj: {
        innerInnerObj: {}
    message: 'Phew, what syntax!'

You can work with objects as ways of namespaces so you can keep the ‘global namespace’ clean and minimize the chance for name conflicts with other libraries. Objects are also often used to create some sort of options that are given to a function. A function then simply checks if some property or method on the option object exists, what its value is, and acts accordingly. We’ll see this usage a little later when working with AJAX.

So then, what is JSON? It’s simply some text using almost the exact notation we just saw. So let’s look at some examples.

    "firstName": "Sander",
    "lastName": "Rossel"

    "innerObj": {
        "someValue": null
    "anotherInnerObj": {
        "innerInnerObj": {}
    "message": "Phew, what syntax!"

That’s looking pretty familiar now, doesn’t it? And, if you compare it to XML, it’s a lot more compact, saving you precious bits and bytes when you’re sending your data over the internet!

Making an AJAX request

So let’s look at an AJAX example. I’ll start very simple making a synchronous request that returns just plain text (so no XML or JSON) when the page loads. You’ll know that the request doesn’t refresh the page because if it would the page would keep refreshing (as it makes the request upon loading). Alternatively, you can track all requests your browser makes using your browsers developer tools (press F12 in IE, FireFox or Chrome and navigate to the Network tab). I’m using jQuery to get the page load event and to show the result of our AJAX request. So here’s the HTML (in a file called Ajax.html):

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="Ajax.js"></script>
        <p id="result"></p>

Here’s our JavaScript (Ajax.js):

$(function () {
    var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
    ajax.open('GET', 'Ajax.php', false);

And finally our PHP (Ajax.php):

    echo 'Result of AJAX request!';

So all of these files go into the htdocs folder of your XAMPP installation and you’ll have to access your page by browsing to localhost/Ajax.html (notice I named all files ‘Ajax’). So what’s really interesting here is that in my JavaScript I’m using an XMLHttpRequest object. So we call the open method and pass in a string specifying the HTTP method, GET or POST. Next we’re telling it what URL to navigate to and last we’re specifying whether the request should be asynchronous (we’re calling it synchronous). Then we send the request to the server. So, because we’re calling it synchronous the browser blocks until we get response from the server. That means that on our next line of code we simply have our result, ajax.responseText. Now you’ll never do this, in fact, our browser even gives off a warning saying that this method is deprecated because it negatively affects the user experience. In our case we won’t notice the blocking, but if we’re downloading larger chunks of data our page will freeze up completely!

So let’s make that call asynchronous so the user can go about doing his business while our page gets our data for us. This isn’t actually to hard. We simply change our JavaScript to the following:

$(function () {
    var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
    ajax.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (ajax.readyState == 4) {
    ajax.open('GET', 'Ajax.php', true);

So I’m specifying an onreadystatechange function which gets called when the state of our ajax object changes. State 4 means it’s done and we can get the result.

Now there are quite some options we can set and check, but I’ll not get into that. You can check them on the XMLHttpRequest documentation page and play around with them yourself. Instead, we’re going to use jQuery to make AJAX requests.

Using jQuery for AJAX requests

You might be thinking if there’s anything jQuery cannot do? There’s actually plenty of stuff you don’t want to do using jQuery, but AJAX isn’t one of them. jQuery makes AJAX pretty easy actually. We were already using jQuery, so we can simply edit our JavaScript.

$(function () {
        type: 'GET',
        url: 'Ajax.php',
        complete: function (jqXHR) {

So remember I was telling you about using an object to specify options? This is one such an example. We’re passing in an object and specify the type, the url and a function that will be called when the requests completes (jqXHR stand for jQuery XMLHttpRequest, but you can name it anything). We could’ve passed in much more, but we didn’t. So this does the same as the code we had earlier.

The jQuery.ajax function can actually do a whole lot of stuff! Next we’re going to pass in some parameters and echo them on our page.

$(function () {
        type: 'GET',
        url: 'Ajax.php',
        data: {
            artist: 'Led Zeppelin',
            song: 'Immigrant Song'
        complete: function (jqXHR) {

And now we need to alter our PHP too.

    if (isset($_REQUEST['artist']) &&
        $artist = $_REQUEST['artist'];
        $song = $_REQUEST['song'];
        echo "The song '$song' by $artist rocks!";

So that was pretty easy, right? We just passed in a JavaScript object with some properties and they were converted to parameters in our PHP automatically! So how does this work the other way around? This is where JSON comes into play! JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, so it should be pretty easy for JavaScript to create actual objects that we can use. So let’s start by modifying our PHP so that it returns JSON.

    class song
        public $artist = NULL;
        public $name = NULL;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['artist']) &&
        $song = new song();
        $song->artist = $_REQUEST['artist'];
        $song->name = $_REQUEST['song'];
        header('Content-Type: application/json');
        echo json_encode($song);

First of all, I’m using an object to store our data. We’ve seen this before. I’m setting our response header so that it tells our browser it’s json. Then I’m using the json_encode function to convert our object into JSON. If you now check out the result in your browser you’ll notice that we’ve received some actual JSON!

But what we really want is to use this JSON in our JavaScript as if it were just an object. Actually this is pretty easy! We can get the object from the XMLHttpRequest.

complete: function (jqXHR) {
    var song = jqXHR.responseJSON;
    $('#result').text("The song '" + song.name + "' by " + song.artist + " rocks!");

And that’s it. Alternatively, we can use the ‘success’ option, a function that passes us the returned data, the status of the request and the XMLHttpRequest.

$(function () {
        type: 'GET',
        url: 'Ajax.php',
        data: {
            artist: 'Led Zeppelin',
            song: 'Immigrant Song'
        success: function (song, status, jqXHR) {
            $('#result').text("The song '" + song.name + "' by " + song.artist + " rocks!");

And likewise there is an ‘error’ option.

$(function () {
        type: 'GET',
        url: 'Ajaj.php',
        data: {
            artist: 'Led Zeppelin',
            song: 'Immigrant Song'
        success: function (song, status, jqXHR) {
            $('#result').text("The song '" + song.name + "' by " + song.artist + " rocks!");
        error: function (jqXHR, status, errorThrown) {
            $('#result').text('An error occurred: ' + jqXHR.status + ' ' + errorThrown);

Notice that I’m calling ‘Ajaj.php’, a page that doesn’t exist. Naturally we’ll get 404, Not found. When using the ‘complete’ option we used earlier you’d have to check for success yourself, our current implementation would actually break our page if we called ‘ajaj.php’.

So there’s actually quite a bit to think about when using AJAX. Did the server return a result, what kind of result did it return, was the request successful, etc. We can use the XMLHttpRequest object for this. Check ‘status’ to see if our request was successful (status 200 means success) and then ‘responseType’ and any of ‘response’, ‘responseText’, ‘responseJSON’ or ‘responseXML’ for the result.

Posting data

So in the previous examples we’ve taken a look at the GET method. In the next example I’m going to take our movies page we created in my previous blog posts, Web development #4: PHP in the back and Web development #5: User input with HTML Forms. So first of all we’ll have to edit the PHP file. We want the form to go, because that refreshes the page. We also want to add jQuery and a custom JavaScript file to our header. Last, we need to give some ids to some elements because now we need to update the page ourselves once we add a new movie (after all, the page isn’t refreshing). So without further delay, here’s the modified PHP.

    if (isset($_POST['movieName']))
        $movieName = $_POST['movieName'];
        if ($movieName)
            file_put_contents('movies.txt', htmlspecialchars($movieName) . "rn", FILE_APPEND);
<!DOCTYPE html>
        function fileAsUnorderedList($fileName, $notFoundMessage)
            if (file_exists($fileName))
                echo '<ul id="movies">';
                $lines = file($fileName);
                foreach ($lines as $line)
                    echo '<li>' . htmlspecialchars($line) . '</li>';
                echo '</ul>';
                echo $notFoundMessage;
        <title>My favourite movies!</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="description" content="A list of my favourite movies.">
        <meta name="keywords" content="Favourite,movies">
        <meta name="author" content="Sander Rossel">
        <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="Movies.js"></script>
        <h1>My favourite movies!</h1>
            fileAsUnorderedList('movies.txt', 'No favourite movies found!');
        <h2>Add a movie!</h2>
            <label for="movieName">Movie name</label>
            <input type="text" name="movieName" id="movieName" />
            <button id="submit">Submit</button>

And then we need to add a JavaScript file (I’ve called it Movies.js) to add an event handler to our button click event which takes the value of the input, posts it to the server and on success adds the movie to our list and empties the movie input.

$(function () {
    $('#submit').on('click', function () {
        var movieInput = $('#movieName');
        var movieName = movieInput.val();
        if (movieName) {
                type: 'POST',
                url: 'Movies.php',
                data: {
                    movieName: movieName
                success: function (data, status, jqXHR) {
                    $('#movies').append('<li>' + movieName + '</li>');
                error: function (jqXHR, status, errorThrown) {
                    alert("An error occurred while adding movie '" + movieName + "'.");

And there you have it. Looks complicated? I guess it is a bit, but once you get the hang of it it’s not so bad. And luckily the documentation is rather good!
Another cool addition to our page would be pagination. Let’s say we are going to add hundreds of movies. Getting those all in once might slow down our page quite a bit. So we can use AJAX to get just ten, or twenty, or fifty at a time. The page could load them on a button click or when we scroll to the end of the page (that is, get the movie titles and add them to our list using jQuery, also make sure you ‘remember’ what page you’re on). This principle is called pagination and can greatly enhance user performance (and for large websites it’s even a must).

So that’s it for AJAX. And actually, that’s it for web development! You’ve now seen everything involved in creating awesome, responsive web pages. Of course there’s still a long way to go as we’ve only scratched the surface of web development. We’ve seen the tools, but are by no means expert in any of them. In my next, and last, blog post I’ll give you some tips on frameworks and libraries that can help you create the pages you want.

Stay tuned!