Web development #5: User input with HTML Forms

In my last blog post we’ve seen how to create dynamic web pages using PHP. The examples in this post are using the code examples from that blog post, so if you haven’t read it I suggest you do. You can find my other posts here:

  1. Web development #1: Internet and the World Wide Web
  2. Web development #2: Our first website using HTML
  3. Web development #3: Styling our page with CSS 3
  4. Web development #4: PHP in the back
  5. Web development #5: User input with HTML Forms
  6. Web development #6: Getting interactive with JavaScript
  7. Web development #7: Dynamic page updates with AJAX
  8. Web development #8: Where to go from here

In the last post we created a page that would show movies (or music, or whatever) based on a simple text file (because I’m not covering databases). You could simply add new lines to the text file and they would show on your page (after a refresh). But now you probably want to add new lines directly from your website and not in the file. Why would you want that? Well, for example, because your users don’t have access to your file (and rightfully so)! Also because your web interface is more user friendly than direct file access. When you’re going to implement an actual website you’ll probably be using an actual database and you’ll be working with more data than just lines in a file. You may want to ask users for their name, address, gender, password, for webshops you want to know their preferred shipping and payment methods. And of course you want users to add content to your site, like blogs, product reviews, messages, etc. There’s plenty of cases where you’d want user input!

So we have basically two options: HTML Forms or AJAX calls. AJAX calls are discussed in a later blog post, so in this one I’m going to focus on HTML Forms.

What are forms?

Forms are actually just a couple of HTML tags! <form></form> with some input tags, <input /> of which one has the type submit, <input type=”submit” />. Sounds easy, right? After all, you want your users to fill out a (digital) form where they give their input and then submit it to the server. How does this look?

<form action="MySite.php">
    <input type="text" name="name" />
    <input type="submit" />

Is it that easy? Almost! There are quite a few input types, such as checkboxes, radio buttons, date pickers and file pickers. We’ll look at some of them a bit later in this post. First let’s see what happens in the above HTML.

Save the above code in a file called MySite.php in your xampp htdocs folder. Now if you’d view this page you would see a field for the user to add text and a button saying “Submit” (it actually says “Verzenden” on my browser, which is the Dutch translation for “Submit”). Now what happens when you type in your name and click the submit button? You’ll be redirected to the site localhost/MySite.php?name=Your+name, which simply shows the same page again (because it was specified in the action attribute), but with your input emptied. You may not have noticed, but the entire page refreshed when you hit submit. The part behind the questionmark was added by the form and it contains the names and values of the input tags you have in your form tags. Now here’s the deal. You can actually get these values from your PHP code!

Now change your code to the following:

    if (isset($_REQUEST['name']))
        echo $_REQUEST['name'];
<form action="MySite.php">
    <input type="text" name="name" />
    <input type="submit" />

Now what happens when you fill out your name and hit submit? Your name is being printed at the top of the page. But what’s happening in the code? Well, notice the isset($_REQUEST[‘name’])? PHP has some ‘superglobal’ variables. They’re variables that are visible in all your PHP code. $_REQUEST is one of them and it’s an array that contains any parameters that are send to your page. In this case we’re checking if the ‘name’ item was set. If it isn’t (when you first load the page) it does nothing. When it is (after a submit) we echo the value of ‘name’.

Notice that the action attribute of the form element indicates what page to navigate to. In this example I’m navigating to the page we’re already on, but it could’ve been any page. For example, try the following:

<form action="http://www.google.com/search">
    <input type="text" name="q" />
    <input type="submit" />

This will successfully open Google and search for your requested search term (Google uses ‘q’ for their parameter name).


So that’s the short version of it. The next thing you need to know is that in the previous examples we used the HTTP method GET to retreive our pages. Perhaps you remember from the first article in this series that GET is used to request a file from the server. In this case we requested the current page with parameter ‘name’ and we requested Google/search with parameter ‘q’.

Now what if we wanted to store information? We could use GET, sure. After all we simply send some data to our server where PHP can do with it what we want, right? All true, but that’s not always what we want. Suppose you want to save someone’s contact details. Would it look good in this huge URL www.mysite.com?name=sander+rossel&country=netherlands&address=…? No, it wouldn’t. Besides, your URL has a max length, so it won’t always work either.
Second, there is some data that you don’t want to send twice. What if someone was about to pay and they hit the refresh button (or even the back button)? Navigating to yourpage.com?payment=… would simply handle the payment again!
Last, there are some safety issues with GET. URL’s are stored in your browser history and on the server in plain text. Imagine sending your password like that! www.mysite.com?password=123456. Right, so is there another way? Yes, there is!

Whenever you want to send data to your server for storage, or data that is a bit more sensitive we can use the HTTP POST method. Let’s look at our first example again.

    if (isset($_REQUEST['name']))
        echo $_REQUEST['name'];
<form action="MySite.php" method="POST">
    <input type="text" name="name" />
    <input type="submit" />

Wow, all I did was add the method attribute to my form element and assigned it the value of POST (method is GET by default). Now if you run this you’ll see your name on top of the page again (after a submit), but your URL will simply be MyPage.php. And try refreshing the page, your browser will warn you that information might be re-submitted.

PHP has specific superglobal variables for handling GET and POST variables specifically. They’re $_GET and $_POST, so you can use them instead of $_REQUEST (which has both GET and/or POST variables).

Other input

So we can now send some text input to the server. Surely you want more than that! Let’s look at some other input types. We’ll also tidy up our form a bit by using the label element.

<form action="MySite.php" method="POST">
    <label for="name">Name</label>
    <input type="text" name="name" id="name" required /><br><br>
    <label for="male">Male</label>
    <input type="radio" name="gender" id="male" value="male" checked /><br>
    <label for="female">Female</label>
    <input type="radio" name="gender" id="female" value="female" /><br><br>
    <label for="email">Email</label>
    <input type="email" name="email" id="email" /><br>
    <label>Receive newsletter
        <input type="checkbox" name="receiveNewsletter" checked /><br><br>
    <label>Date of birth
        <input type="date" name="dateOfBirth" /><br><br>
    <label for="avatar">Avatar</label>
    <input type="file" name="avatar" id="avatar" accept="image/*" /><br><br>
    <input type="submit" />

So that’s quite something. First, notice the <label> tags. I’m using them in two different ways. The first is to just declare them and associate them to an input field by specifying the for attribute and giving it the value of the id of the input I want to associate it with. The second way is by wrapping the input tags inside the label tags. Both ways are fine. Now if you click on a label the input gets focus or is selected/unselected. Nice!

Now for the different input types. We’ve seen the text type, so I’ll skip that one. I did add the required attribute though. Try submitting your form without filling out your name. There are more attributes like this one like max, maxlength, min and pattern.

Next is the password type. It looks very much like the text type, but if you type in it you get to see password characters rather than text.

Then comes the radio type. Notice I have two radio types, male and female. Also notice they have the same name. That means that if a radiobutton with a certain name is selected all other radiobuttons with the same name are unselected. In this case that means we can pick either male or female, but not both. I’ve also used the checked attribute for the male input. You don’t have to specify a value for checked. It will simply make this radiobutton checked. You could specify checked for both male and female, but your browser is only going to select one. It also makes for invalid HTML, so just don’t do that.

Following we see the email type. Again, looks like the text type, but if you commit your form your browser will check if the email address has valid syntax. That’s great, but don’t forget to check on the server too! Email is new in HTML 5 and will behave like text on older browsers.

Moving on we see the checkbox type. Not much to say, except that you can specify checked to have it checked, or omit it to have it unchecked.

Next is the date type. The user can pick or enter a date. The browser will validate if it’s a valid date (no 32st januari, etc.). This one is new in HTML 5 too and will also behave like text on older browsers.

Last, but not least, is the file type. You can use this to have a user select one or more files (if you need more than one simply add the multiple attribute, much like checked).

And of course you can handle all of those in your PHP code too. But I’m sure you can figure that out. There are other input types too, but I’ll leave it up to you to check them out. Just Google for HTML input.

Completing our example

So at this point we want to make our favourite movies example from my following blog work. Actually all we want to do is POST a movie title, add it to our text file and display it on our page. There’s actually a bit more to it than you might think… Here’s the complete code for the page.

    if (isset($_POST['movieName']))
        $movieName = $_POST['movieName'];
        if ($movieName)
            file_put_contents('movies.txt', htmlspecialchars($movieName) . "rn", FILE_APPEND);
        header('Location: ' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
<!DOCTYPE html>
        function fileAsUnorderedList($fileName, $notFoundMessage)
            if (file_exists($fileName))
                echo "<ul>";
                $lines = file($fileName);
                foreach ($lines as $line)
                    echo '<li>' . htmlspecialchars($line) . '</li>';
                echo "</ul>";
                echo $notFoundMessage;
        <title>My favourite movies!</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="description" content="A list of my favourite movies.">
        <meta name="keywords" content="Favourite,movies">
        <meta name="author" content="Sander Rossel">
        <h1>My favourite movies!</h1>
            fileAsUnorderedList('movies.txt', 'No favourite movies found!');
        <h2>Add a movie!</h2>
        <?php echo '<form action="' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '" method="POST">' ?>
            <label for="movieName">Movie name</label>
            <input type="text" name="movieName" id="movieName" />
            <input type="submit" />

So that’s quite a lot! No worries. First of all you should notice that I’m handling our POST input. If movieName is set and it has a value (it’s truthy) we append it to our text file, followed by a new line (rn, or “line feed, carriage return” from ye olden days when we used typewriters).
What happens next is that we redirect to the current page using $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], another superglobal variable in PHP. So once we submit form data we get to our page with POST data. We handle the POST data and again load our page, but this time without POST data (a GET). If we wouldn’t do this we’d get an annoying pop-up every time we wanted to refresh our page. This technique is called the Post/Redirect/Get Design Pattern.

But there’s more happening. I’m using a function called htmlspecialchars, what’s that all about? Well, here’s a little practice for you. Remove all the htmlspecialchars from the code and add the following movie “<script>alert(‘hacked!’);</script>“. Now if you refresh the page you’ll get a popup saying “hacked!”. Quite annoying isn’t it? See it this way, people are going to submit text to your page and you’re going to echo that text as-is. But that text may be/contain valid HTML (and script)! And that would mess up your page or worse! It’s a huge security risk also known as Cross-Site Scripting or XSS. Now put the htmlspecialchars back in place and your page will simply display a movie with a rather weird name. So that’s what htmlspecialchars does. It makes sure your text is transformed into non-HTML, so > would be  echoed as &gt; etc. I’ve used this trick in a few places.

In our form elements I’m using the same tricks. I use $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] and htmlspecialchars. Why the $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]? If the name of your PHP file changes so would the URL to access it. If the URL was hard coded you’d have to check your PHP file and change all references to ‘movie.php’ to ‘myNewFileName.php’. With this trick we’ve got that covered!

A last remark on the PHP above the !DOCTYPE tag. Is this bad? Nope. Remember that all this PHP code is executed on the server and that your HTML is sent back. So by the time this file reaches your browser it has no knowledge of any code above !DOCTYPE.

Other than that you should know all the other stuff I’ve put in there. So now you have a website that actually takes user input, stores it on the server and serves that data back to the user. In the next blog we’re going to take a look at JavaScript, or code that runs from the browser! Good stuff.

Stay tuned!

2 thoughts on “Web development #5: User input with HTML Forms”

  1. I couldn’t get the “rn” to create a new line in the movies.txt file. I replaced it with PHP_EOL and that worked.

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